Did you know that you encounter around 60,000 different types of germs on a daily basis? Fortunately, most of these germs aren’t harmful. However, a small percentage of them could be dangerous enough to cause an infection.
So, what is the most effective way to prevent infection? We’re glad you asked.
Keep reading to learn the most helpful infection prevention tips so you can help keep yourself safe.
1. Clean and Disinfect Often
One of the easiest ways to practice infection prevention and control is to eliminate the chance for bacterial growth. You can do this by cleaning and disinfecting potentially contaminated surfaces and air.
For example, if you’re cooking with raw meat, you should thoroughly wash any surface the meat touched with soap and hot water. And, you should never cross-contaminate by using the same cutting board for meat that you use for other foods like vegetables.
Similarly, you can disinfect the air you breathe to help prevent an airborne infection. Check out the Curis System to learn more about a portable disinfection device.
2. Wash Your Hands
Think about how many things you touch on a daily basis. If you don’t wash your hands regularly, you risk transferring germs from your hands to other parts of your body. For example, if you open a public door by touching the handle and then you rub your eyes without washing your hands in between, you could transfer the germs from the door handle directly into your eyes.
Get into the habit of washing your hands throughout the day, especially after touching potentially contaminated objects and using the bathroom.
When you do wash your hands, be sure to use antibacterial soap and warm water, rubbing in between your fingers, beneath your nails, and the backs of your hands. You should continue to scrub for at least 15 seconds.
3. Cover Your Nose and Mouth
Many infectious diseases are spread to others when you sneeze and cough. You can help prevent the spread by covering your nose and mouth any time you sneeze or cough.
If possible, cough or sneeze into a tissue and then immediately throw the tissue away. If you don’t have access to tissues, use the crook of your elbow to cover your nose and mouth instead of your hands, to help prevent the spread.
4. Get Vaccines When Possible
Scientists and doctors have been able to help eradicate deadly diseases through the use of vaccines. Your body’s immune system naturally produces antibodies and white blood cells when it encounters an infection you’ve had in the past, helping to prevent a second infection.
Vaccines “trick” your immune system into thinking it’s already been infected against certain microbes so it produces antibodies to fight off diseases like meningitis, tetanus, and measles. This keeps you protected against potentially fatal diseases and helps prevent the spread of these diseases to other people.
Talk to your doctor about vaccines that are available to you so you can make the best decision for your health.
Remember These Infection Prevention Tips
Infection prevention is possible! Just remember these tips on how to prevent infection as you go about your life and you’ll help keep yourself and those around you safe.
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