When it comes to starting a new business, there’s always a learning curve to overcome before you really get the hang of things. In the case of home service businesses, it’s all about learning how to provide quality service to your clients, whether that service consists of lawn care in Mississauga or pest control in Barrie. In many cases, it’s your skills and reputation that determine how well you do. It’s not impossible to succeed when starting your own home service business, but it pays to know what you’re getting into first. Keep these basic steps in mind when starting your new venture to help you start strong.
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio
- Plan your business ahead
It’s always a good idea to plan ahead when starting major ventures like setting up a business. It often helps to write your ideas down and make a business plan with a precise business plan template to visualize how you expect your business to go.
Some things to consider when starting a home service business are what you offer and what your customers want. As a service-based business, you’re offering your skills rather than a product. That requires you to have skills that people may want to buy, like landscaping or pest control expertise. In addition, you’ll also need the proper licenses and training to fully qualify to do those things every day.
As a service-based business, it’s also vital you be able to provide the services your customers genuinely want. For example, are your clients looking for someone who offers rat removal services in Toronto every now and then? Or are they looking for a partner who can advise them on how to pest-proof their homes all year-round? Either answer is valid, but make sure yours aligns with the services you can (and want to) provide. - Get your financials in order
Starting a business is supposed to make money for you, but first you need to have enough funds to get it off the ground. One of the tricks to helping your business grow is managing your cash flow properly. You can start by thinking about the startup costs for your business. A cleaning business can be started with minimal investment, but an HVAC service needs more of an investment, to name two examples. Make a list of upfront expenses, like must-have equipment, uniforms, and insurance to start developing an accurate budget.
Making a list of the essential equipment you need is another way to give yourself an idea of how much you’ll need to get started. List the assets you already have and how much it costs to buy or rent them. Start with the essentials, and buy new tools only once you start taking on new jobs that need them to keep the costs low. - Build your team
When starting a business, it’s tempting to handle everything yourself. However, as an entrepreneur, it’s vital you partner with people who can handle the jobs you can’t do yourself. A good rule of thumb is to stick to what you’re good at, and find other people to handle the rest.
Your team includes more than just employees to handle everyday tasks; it also consists of other essential personnel. This list includes business partners to help you steer the course of the business, a virtual assistant to outsource calls, or a mentor to show you the ropes and help you avoid common entrepreneurial pitfalls. It often helps to write down the roles and responsibilities you’d like to add to your dream team for later reference. Always keep in mind that you’re not in the business alone, and the rest of the team is there to help you keep it all together.
- Plan your business ahead
- Learn to market yourself
One of the must-haves for any business, particularly smaller ones, is strong marketing. Service-based businesses are essentially selling themselves as the product, so it pays to know how to promote your business to new customers. Good customer service is always valuable, more so when you’re just starting out. Always take care to ask plenty of questions to ensure you’re giving your customers high-quality service. Good service is key to making lifelong customers who will give you repeat business every time they need your services.
While you’re at it, there are more steps you can take to start building your brand and attracting more customers. Consider setting up a Google My Business page to put your website on the map, figuratively speaking. You can also invest in effective marketing strategies like content marketing that can get you more attention from potential customers. The stronger an online footprint you have, the easier it is for customers to find you and get in touch.
There’s always plenty to keep in mind when starting a business, but you need to seek advice from a professional Business Broker to help you start strong. Keep these ideas in mind at all times to give your business as many advantages as you can once you start out.
Marketing in particular is one of the most essential elements to success, so make a strong investment in your digital marketing to strengthen your online footprint. Looking into professional help is one of the best moves you can make. For example, online marketing services can offer invaluable advice for pest control website design to improve the user experience and make it easier for your visitors to get the pest-related content they want. However you proceed, keep all these insights in mind to get off to a good start and give yourself some momentum moving forward.