Cabling management system needs to be correctly designed, specified, and installed to be efficient and avoid unnecessary downtime. Simple and what may seem small considerations may prevent bigger problems in the future like insulation damage, loss of continuity, EMI problems, or mechanical deformation. These days, office cabling has its advantages like faster speed, withstanding longer travels, and carrying heavier loads than before. Therefore, traditional ways like filling almost 80% of data cables in a section are outdated.
Whether you are installing office WIFI or upgrading the current one, there are processes to be followed and certain steps to be taken under a tight deadline. Unfortunately, the race and pressure to finish the job can lead to mistakes. One area that is overlooked in almost all organizations is cable management. If data cable installation is not properly designed and determined, it can lead to repair costs, downtime, and even maintenance headaches. Because of that, here are some cable management mistakes and how you can avoid them.
By connecting hardware components, data cables allow for communication between various portions of a single device as well as between several devices.
Data management mistakes to avoid
Most people ignore some basic things until they are pushed to the corner, where they have no option but to act, especially for WIFI and CCTV installation.
Supporting cable tray incorrectly
Several safety implications can occur, from the total collapse of the tray to failure to secure cables if you cannot support the cable tray correctly. Cable installation, like WIFI installation, follows a strict standard (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) that outlines practices involved in cable tray installation. The NEMA standards dictate the installation details and the type of support needed.
It also provides charts to calculate joint expansions and how to set the gap properly for expansion connectors. Therefore, you need to learn a few tricks before installing trays to know the correct locations to hold down expansion guides and clamps.
Poor planning for the Future or not Planning at all
It is essential to consider the future demands when determining your current WIFI installation and cable count. Electrical and communication pathways are among the most important static components with life expectancies greater than the office cabling system they have.
Also, as the system upgrades, expands, and converges with new applications like office WIFI, you will need more cables. It is more cost and time-efficient to install a sufficient cable tray size now than to have to restructure your network infrastructure later.
Improper cable tray choice
The market is full of cable trays, from ventilated, ladders and wire baskets to solid bottoms and for different purposes, from office CCTV installation to data cabling. The only challenge that most people go through is selecting the right cable tray. Knowing the cable type and the environment to install will help decide the type of tray to buy.
For instance, a single conductor cable needs a ventilated or ladder trough. In areas where EMI/RFI shielding is required, solid bottom trays will get the job done. Wire basket trays are suitable for low voltage data cables, AV, and control cables.
The tray’s cable volume and weight capacity should be calculated to get the right tray criteria. Therefore, greater cross-sectional areas are required for trays that need greater span distances for the side rails. It is vital to know and understand all your installation aspects to know the best cable tray for the job.
Incorrect bonding and grounding
Steel and aluminum cable trays are the best equipment conductors, provided they are properly installed, inspected, and designed. They are allowed to be used as EGC (equipment ground conductor). If the cable tray is to be used as an equipment ground conductor, it should have bonding jumpers on both sides of the joints.
However, if a cable tray is classified as UL, continuous grounding or bonding jumpers are unnecessary. It is essential for the grounding of cable tray systems to be inspected before data cabling is energized and installed. This will greatly help with any dangerous situation that might be present because of improper bonding.
Poor installation or not following the neutral axis
Strain relieved cables should correctly be positioned in the neutral axis. Cables should not, under any circumstance, be pushed up to the outer radius or pulled tighter in the inner radius. Strain relief should be checked and performed in the home and extended positions. The data cable is neither pushed nor pulled in the inner or outer bends when in the neutral axis.
In a Nutshell
When everything in your network data cabling system is set up, take time and test if every component is working as it should. Go through every fitting and joint to ensure the connections are perfect to avoid future setbacks. You can talk to a data communication specialist to assist in the inspection. Also, you can avoid the above and more cabling management mistakes to be on the safer side, time and money-wise.