
5 Steps to Creating a Plan to Achieve Your Goals

Goals are important, but they’re only as useful as your ability to plan for them. 

If you just jump into the fray and try to accomplish everything at once, chances are you’ll get overwhelmed and give up on the whole thing before you even start. 

The key to achieving any goal is breaking it down into small, manageable steps that build upon one another—and that’s where a good plan comes in!

  1. Set a goal.

The first step to creating a plan to achieve your goals is to set a goal. A goal is something that you want or would like to have at some point in the future. 

For example, “I want to get into better shape” or “I want a new car.” Goals can be personal or professional—they give direction and purpose to our lives. 

An effective goal statement should be clear and specific enough to know exactly what you are striving for; it should also be measurable to help you determine whether or not success has been achieved. 

For example:

  • I will increase my income by 10% this year. 
  • I will lose 10 pounds by the end of the year.
  1. Set the priority level for each step.

Once you have identified all the steps and their sequence, the task of prioritizing them is next. This is where you will be able to see clearly that some steps have more impact than others.

To do this, use a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest priority). A step may be something that needs to happen daily or weekly, and thus, it would have a lower priority level than an annual goal. 

The key here is to think through how each step will impact you and your life before assigning a number. 

For example, if your goal is to start running every morning before work, then this may not require as much effort as having dinner with your family every weeknight or getting up 15 minutes early each morning so that you can meditate first thing in the day. 

You should consider the following: 

  • How often do I want to do this? 
  • How much time does it take? 
  • Is there any cost associated with doing this? 
  • Am I willing/able/comfortable doing this regularly? 
  • How important is this step relative to my other goals?
  1. Make a timeline and a deadline.

Next, you need to set a timeline and a deadline. Set a timeline for each step in your plan. 

If you’re going to take classes, start with the first class and put the date on which it will begin. This way, if anything changes your schedule or you get sick, you can see how long it would take to make up for the time you lost.

Then go on and do the same thing for every other step in your plan: class 2, 3, etc., until all of them are listed out with dates written next to them. 

After, be sure to jot down when each one is supposed to end (for example: “Class 4 ends April 1st)

Set a deadline for everything else as well. For example: “I want my business up and running by March 31st,” or “I want my website finished by June 15th”. 

It’s important not only how long we have left but also at what stage we’re currently at, so don’t forget either one of these things while making plans ahead.

  1. Review your plan regularly and make changes as needed.

While you should review your plans, don’t get stuck in a cycle of planning and re-planning. It’s important to be nimble to adjust to changes as they happen. 

If there are new priorities or information that would affect the outcome of your goal, make adjustments accordingly—but also recognize when it’s time to let go and move on with your life! 

Unfortunately, unexpected things can set us off course. What would you do if you became unable to work due to a disability and your goal was to buy a new house?

In cases like that, it’s good to be prepared. Physicians Thrive can help by providing information on the best disability insurance policy for you. Then, no matter what comes you way, you can still reach your goals. 

  1. Use a Planner

Just as the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Planning is key to success. Whether you’re trying to save money or lose weight, planning helps you stay on track and accomplish your goals more efficiently.

Planning is easier if you have something to help you keep track. You could try using the old-fashioned way with a notebook or planner, but nowadays, everything is digital so you can use a digital planner like these here


If you are not satisfied with the results of your current life, then it is time to make a change! 

The best way to do this is by setting goals and creating a plan that will help you achieve these goals. 

You may be nervous about the process or feel like you have no clue where to start, but don’t worry—we’re here so that nothing stands in your way.


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