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5 Things Your Toddler Needs From You as a Parent

From the moment your little ones entered the world, you knew you would do anything to help them grow. As an infant, that probably seemed hard and easy: change diapers, give a bottle and soothe cries. As toddlers, they’re on the move, ready to tackle more of the world.

The game is changing, and you’re probably wondering what your role has become.  Keeping your kids healthy and stocking the cabinet with Wellements chest rub is a good start. In addition, make time to think about their emotional, social and educational development. Use the following information to encourage and promote growth during the toddler years.

What Are the Five Basic Needs of Children?

Kids require help in learning to navigate the world and their feelings. Therefore, teach them how to handle various situations and establish appropriate environments. These are the five main focuses to consider:

  • Emotional regulation
  • Sense of safety
  • Happiness
  • Independence
  • Acceptance

Think about your toddlers. Do they feel secure completing an activity or visiting with friends? Do they want to explore the world, try new foods and test their boundaries (within reason, of course)? How do they feel about their actions?

Hopefully, the answer is yes to most of these questions. If not, it’s time to build up their confidence and soothe emotions.

Ways To Meet Your Toddler’s Needs

You probably have many questions, and it’s essential to consider your children’s attitudes and how the action or event may impact them. What is the worst age to change schools? Are you overbooking your kids in activities?

Write out your questions, and reflect on where your kids stand in the categories mentioned above. Make decisions based on where your children stand.

Infants sleep a lot; your toddlers explore the world and learn from you! Get them involved in your daily activities, building their independence and skills.

Let little hands stir the bowl when you cook. Show them how to clean up the art supplies, and encourage them to find their shoes or get dressed with help. These actions reveal your trust in them and ease them into discovering their strengths.

Model appropriate behaviors. When you go to playgroups, watch how your children behave. Why are your kiddos moving away from others? Show them how to enter a group and become involved. Introduce yourself, and ask them to introduce themselves just like you did.

Teach coping mechanisms. Toddlers experience a range of emotions when they experience frustration and anxiety. They don’t know instinctively how to mitigate the overflow.

Sit down and discuss how they feel. Explain that you get angry sometimes too. Then, give kids a method to calm down, such as moving out of the situation and taking a few breaths or telling themselves, “It’s okay.”

Hugs don’t go away during the toddler phase. They remain just as essential (if not more so). Show them affection is good by wrapping those arms around them.

Parents are their kiddos’ first and most influential instructors. They are watching and learning from how you act and what you have them do. Teach your child kindness by modeling it, and build their confidence and independence by encouraging them to try different things.

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