Did you know that the quote ‘content is king‘ which is used quite often by marketers came from an essay written in January 1996 by Bill Gates? And even though it’s been 25 years since that essay, the quote still holds.
As a business owner or marketer, content creation is probably the most important to-do item in your daily work schedule. That’s why it’s important to ensure you are not making these content creation mistakes when churning out stuff for your leads and potential customers to consume, like, and share. Keep reading to find out what these mistakes would be.
- Not Creating Content on a Regular Schedule
If you have a blog or a social media channel on any network, your followers will expect you to create regular posts or they will end up unfollowing. That’s why it’s so important for you to create a schedule for your content creation and then stick to it, no matter what.
- Not Creating Any Long-Form Content
Content quality will be crucial when it comes to an effective content marketing strategy. That’s why it’s important to have some long-form content mixed in with your regular blog posts. This way you can give your customers and Google what they both want – great content that teaches them something and gets the search bots all excited.
- Not Mixing Up Your Types of Content
But don’t forget that you need to have a mix of all different types of content when creating topics for blogs. Both long-form and short-form content along with images, videos, and infographics should make up your content marketing strategy. It might seem like a lot of work, but it will pay off in the long run!
- Not Thinking About What Topics for Blogs Your Customer Would like to Consume
Are you the kind of person who writes topics for blogs thinking that your readers will have to take what you give them or nothing at all? Well, you need to stop that kind of narrow-minded thinking. Spend some time pondering what topics your customers would like to consume and create those kinds of blog posts as well.
- Not Avoiding Technical Jargon
Maybe you are in an industry where technical jargon suffuses everything you say and do. But if that isn’t the case, then consider removing as much technical jargon from your regular blog posts and other content as much as possible. Keep it to a minimum so everyone can understand you, no matter which industry they are from.
- Not Having a Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)
Don’t forget that you want your readers to do something after consuming your content. It’s not just about getting those likes. Do you want them to buy something or share your post? Let your followers know so things are clearcut in their minds.
Content Creation Mistakes Are Easy to Avoid
Once you are aware of the most common content creation mistakes, you can avoid them easily to create effective content that matters to your clients and that gets you the actions that you desire.
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