There are good lawyers, and there are great lawyers. A good lawyer knows how to do their job and win an acceptable outcome for their client. A great lawyer understands how to do their job, support their client, and try to win the best outcome possible for your family. Ensure your child custody lawyer in Houston, TX has all the qualities outlined below.
8 Qualities to Look for When Hiring a Child Custody Lawyer in Houston Texas
1. They’re Client Focused
A great child custody lawyer will always work with the client in mind. You’re a person rather than just another case. Your legal team should want to know you and your family so they can understand how best to support you as well as help you during this time. Work with somebody who makes you feel welcome and who sounds friendly when they speak to you. Click here to get in contact with an attorney who cares.
2. They’re Patient
Divorce and custody cases can take a long time to resolve. Working with someone patient is key. An attorney who tries to rush the process usually won’t have your family’s best interests in mind. They just want to get to the end result. You need to work with somebody who’ll be there with you throughout the entire process, answer your questions, address your concerns, and take every hit and win as it comes.
3. They’re Compassionate
Working with a compassionate attorney is helpful in every type of case. It shows that they care about you and the outcome, and it displays how they want to seek justice and make you as happy as it’s possible to be at the end of the case.
When there are children involved it’s even more important for your attorney to be compassionate. Empathy comes along with compassion, and empathy is very much needed in a case that’s so draining on your emotional state.
4. They’re Good at Communication
The average person will usually have some difficulty understanding the nuances of the law. Some terms and situations aren’t easy to understand at first glance. You need an attorney with good enough communication skills to break down complex things into simple terms you can understand.
However, they also need to be a good enough communicator to effectively communicate with the other side and, if applicable, the people in the courtroom. Work with somebody who’s a good listener as well as a good speaker, as a good communicator knows that listening is sometimes even more important than speaking.
5. They’re Experienced in Family Law
Someone with a lot of experience in family law is usually well-equipped to deal with your case. If they’re just starting out or if they don’t have a lot of courtroom experience, then they may not be the best fit for you. Be selective when hiring an attorney. You need someone who’s prepared for every possible situation that could arise during your case.
However, make sure your attorney has a history of winning the outcomes their clients desired. Don’t work with somebody with a poor track record, as it won’t usually bode well for your case.
6. They’re Local
Traveling hours just to meet your attorney is no good. Look for somebody local. If you’re in Houston, then work with an attorney in Houston. This will make them more accessible to you. Instead of having to take an entire day off work to meet with your attorney, you may only need to take a couple of hours off.
A local attorney will also understand your jurisdiction’s laws better. An attorney with a deep understanding of your jurisdiction’s laws is better than an attorney who’s familiar with the local laws but isn’t highly experienced in your jurisdiction.
7. They’re Child Focused
Custody must be decided based on the best interests of the child. The child’s best interests are different in every case, and you need an attorney who’s willing to understand what your child’s best interests are in your case. The attorney must always work with the child in mind. You need someone who’ll help steer you back on the right track if you unintentionally start acting a little selfishly.
Selfishness is understandable in a custody case. Sometimes you’ll just be so overwhelmed that you’ll be focused on winning rather than providing a solution that works out best for everyone in your family. Your attorney should help keep you focused on what matters most.
8. They’re Specialized
Not every family law attorney specifically practices child custody law. Don’t work with somebody who has a lot of experience in other areas of family law but no experience with child custody cases. You need the best for your family, so always ask how much experience your attorney has specifically working on child custody cases.
A great child custody lawyer is patient, compassionate, and focused on supporting you as well as helping you win your case. Don’t work with somebody who doesn’t make you feel listened to, supported, and appreciated throughout your custody battle.