
Discover Apps that Help Motorcyclists

Motorcycles and technology go hand in hand, although many people may not believe this is the case. Bikers find there are numerous apps specifically created for those who love motorcycles and additional apps that may be of benefit to them. The following are a few of the countless apps every rider should consider using, as they provide helpful information when out on the road or when a rider is looking to buy or sell a bike. 

Rever App

Popular among bikers today, this app allows the user to plan a custom trip itinerary. When doing so, they have access to interactive maps and can track trip details such as speed and distance. They can then compare their data with that of other riders. Riders love the fully functional GPS feature that works offline so they can go off the beaten track without getting lost. This is one of many apps to help motorcyclists make the most of every ride.

Waze App

Drivers and bikers alike fall in love with Waze, a traffic and navigation app that allows input from the community. Real-time navigators help people beat traffic and get to their destination on time. This app was developed by drivers to ensure it meets the needs of users in every way. Any person using the app can share information about traffic conditions, accidents, and more for more accurate data. 

Eat Sleep Ride App

Riders may use the basic Eat Sleep Ride app, which is free, or they can upgrade to get access to special features. Most riders try this app to benefit from the GPS only to discover they love the upgrade because it alerts them to new routes. They can track rides or create a private group for their friends and family who also love to ride. Subscribe to the service and get CRASHLIGHT for emergencies. 

Dark Sky

Bikers know the importance of watching the weather. They don’t want to get caught up in a surprise rainstorm or encounter bad weather while out on the road. The Dark Sky app offers up-to-the-minute forecasts so a biker can better plan their trip. The detail provided is outstanding, and a biker can set up voice notifications. When the weather changes or an alert is issued, this information comes to the biker through their Bluetooth headset. 

Gas Buddy

While bikes use less gas than passenger cars, riders don’t want to overpay for fuel. With the help of the Gas Buddy app, they won’t. Drivers and riders come together to share information about gas prices based on zip code. In addition, they can leave a review of a station and compete to win a gas card. Individuals who use the app to pay for their gas will get a discounted rate as well. A rider can even use the discounted parking feature to pay less when they need to park their bike. 

Cycle Trader App

The time may come when a biker wishes to sell their current ride and purchase a new one. The Cycle Trader app makes it easy to do both. This free app allows people to connect and conduct sales transactions. Dealers and private owners use this app today, and a person will find more than bikes on the platform. They may also search for snowmobiles, ATVs, and more. 

Technology allows riders to get more out of their bikes. Try these apps today to see which ones are of benefit. Most riders will find one or more of these apps will add value to their rides. 

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