We all hear information about health from various sources, unfortunately, not always is the information true. There are a lot of myths that cloud the facts, and thus, separating the mythical from the factual is important. Read on to find the distinction between facts and myths with regards to your eyes.
Eating carrots ensures perfect vision: Fact or Myth?
We have all heard carrot being touted as the great food that cures your vision problems. You are made to think that you can trade your pair of glasses for carrots. However, the reality is slightly more convoluted.
Essentially, carrots contain a significant amount of beta-carotene, which is converted then to vitamin A. It helps in protecting the eyes, especially from damage from the sun. Vitamin A can also help in preventing cataracts.
Moreover, carrots are also a good source of lutein, which aids in preventing age-related macular degeneration. Carrots are also good for boosting immunity, so you get less infections, and thus have to make fewer visits to doctors like Eye Specialists in South City Hospital.
However, despite the very many benefits of carrots, they will not undo refractive error. They can help in preventing the diseases that affect the eyes, but you cannot expect your vision correction issue to resolve through consumption of carrots.
Eye exercises can correct your vision: Fact or Myth?
A myth that runs rampant is that you can make your vision better by exercising. Unfortunately, that is not true, or at least, there is currently no research that substantiates this claim.
Eye exercises can help with eye strain, often as a consequence of too much screen time. Moreover, these exercises may also work in some conditions like convergence insufficiency, asthenopia, vergence problems etc.
Some eye exercises that you can do to help with such problems include focus change, figure 8, 20-20-20 etc.
However, these exercises will not undo refractive error or make any change towards your vision.
Reading in dim light or small font can cause vision impairment: Fact or Myth?
Reading in dim or poor light or reading a font that is too small is a bad practice, however, it does not lead to refractive error. Basically, the muscles in your eyes have to work harder, and become fatigued as a result. This however does not have an impact on the convergence of light in your eyes, that is behind the refractive error.
Sitting too close to the TV causes vision problems: Fact or Myth?
We are often told that children sitting too close to the television is the reason that children are having vision problems, but this is also not backed by research. Children have their vision maturing still, and thus they tend to place things closer to their line of sight.
However, the placement of the object does not cause vision issues per se.
Viewing screen causes vision problems: Fact or Myth?
If you feel guilty about using screens because you are told that it is contributing towards impaired vision, then don’t. Your using screen might lead to computer vision syndrome, also known as digital eye strain, however, your vision is not affected as a result.
Not wearing glasses will weaken your vision: Fact or Myth?
Fact, and not
Well, this one is slightly more nuanced, as it is contingent on the condition. Issues like strabismus or amblyopia can get better with eye glasses. However, if you are wearing glasses for refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, wearing the glasses will not correct your vision. Not wearing them, on the other hand, will also not make your vision worse.
Frequent checkups can help: Fact or Myth?
Frequent checkups, eye exams and eye screening can help your doctor find out the problem in the initial phase, where the prognosis is better. Hence, be sure to visit your Eye specialist in Islamabad regularly.