
FAQs for Coast Seawall

Q1 – Why choose seawall over rock pavement?

Damage from flooding and coastal erosion can be potentially devastating, and such colossal destruction warrants choosing the proper defense. So, when deciding between a seawall and a rock revetment, we recommend seawalls. You see, seawalls are much more stable than revetments, especially at elevated heights. And, of course, they can also be made wider, reinforced, or otherwise modified to further increase this stability. In addition to this, while revetments lose some energy as they approach land, seawalls don’t take the power out of waves. Nevertheless, water cannot pass over the seawalls due to their thickness and height. Hence, the latter offers better overall protection.

Moreover, seawalls don’t need to be built against a pre-existing structure; they can be constructed almost anywhere between land and water. On the other hand, rock pavements need to be built against a cliff or already existing seawall to be effective. Thus, they are somewhat limited by the size of these structures. Not to mention, seawalls are made of different suitably chosen materials and not always just rock. And most importantly, while seawalls might not be cheaper, their costs are definitely much easier to estimate both in terms of construction and maintenance. On the other hand, a rock pavement’s costs depend largely on the available rocks, shipping, and severity of potential damage. Hence, seawalls are a much more cost-effective option. Therefore, in light of the above factors, we consider seawalls to be much better than rock pavements.

Q2 – What Are the Pros and Cons of a Rip Rap Retaining Wall?

So, living near a water body means you can go boating and fishing as you please. But it also means you are exposed to potential devastation by storms, flooding, erosion, and pests. Enter rip rap retaining walls to protect your shoreline from damaging invasion. These walls are made from rocks packed together, but determining if you should actually invest in a retaining wall can be pretty daunting. Luckily, though, we’ve outlined all the pros and cons of a rip rap retaining wall.

Pros of Installing a Rip Rap Wall

Riprap design seawalls protect your home while also looking aesthetically pleasing. This design might be a suitable choice for the following reasons:

  1. Riprap walls help stabilize areas, especially those with high erosion rates, to protect your property against gradual destruction and your shoreline from breaking down.
  2. These walls are relatively easy to maintain, so besides an annual inspection or a thorough examination post-storm, you don’t need to do a lot. Plus, since the rocks are individually arranged, you can conveniently get just one rock (the damaged one) replaced instead of having to change the entire wall.
  3. Riprap is eco-friendly because it promotes vegetation and marine life, thus also adding to the aesthetic factor. However, make sure to look for and eliminate any invasive species like weeds growing between the rocks. What’s more, muskrats and other such pests are deterred by riprap walls.
  4. If you appropriately maintain your rip rap walls, they can last you a lifetime- because yes, they’re that durable.
  5. These walls blend into the environment and thus, help beautify your home. This can be especially useful in increasing the resale value of your home.

Cons of Installing a Rip Rap Wall

There are certain drawbacks to opting for a rip rap wall installation as well, such as the following:

  1. Riprap walls are an investment. And while minor damages are easy to fix, not all types of issues are so straightforward- some might even require excavation. For instance, dipping, sagging, bowing, indentations, holes, or pits demand significant repairs, if not replacement altogether.
  2. These walls are best suited to areas of high-velocity waters, so depending on your location, you might have to opt for a different type of seawall design.
  3. Rip raps don’t protect adjacent land, which means floodwater could still find a way to invade your property despite a rip rap seawall.

Q3 – What are the Advantages Of Seawall Repair Using Tieback Anchors?

You have a range of options to repair a damaged seawall, but one very cost-effective and efficient method is helical tiebacks. This procedure is quick, cheap, and not as disruptive as excavation or demolition. Moreover, the repair is done primarily from the water. You see, to install tieback anchors, holes are drilled through the seawall from the waterside. And then, a helical tieback is screwed through each hole into the soil via a hydraulic drive head. Helical plates are also welded to the pier shaft to enable the functioning of the tieback as a giant screw. Installers use pressure readings to determine the stability of the anchored tiebacks.

Also, they are designed such that a threaded rod can extend from the shaft part through a pressure plate against the seawall. And the seawall structure can be aligned and stabilized against deflection by fastening a tight bolt on the threads. And, of course, future adjustments are also possible by further tightening this screw. Overall, though, the helical tieback method works great for all types of residential, commercial, and municipal seawall repairs. In fact, this technique is not even limited to seawalls anymore but is also used for repairing retaining walls and bowing foundations. Thus, tieback anchors can be a fast, effective and affordable solution to your seawall issues.

The main advantages of investing in helical tiebacks are given below:

  • No damage to landscaping, plants, or yard
  • Less expensive than reconstruction or excavation
  • Installation is done from the water
  • No heavy machinery or pile driving required
  • The procedure can often be completed within a day.

Q4- Cement vs. poly foam grouting, which is better?

Seawalls protect your property against flooding and erosion. But regular seawall inspection is a must to ensure that things always flow smoothly. And in case of potential damage, repairs should be sought immediately. But when it comes down to cement vs. poly foam grouting, which one should you choose?

Cement grouting, being one of the conventional repair mechanisms, has been used for many years. And while it does have its advantages, it is also being preceded by more innovative techniques like polyfoam grouting. This new method is helpful because it does not require any heavy machinery or other expensive protocol. Plus, it doesn’t damage your landscape either. Not to mention, polyfoam only takes mere hours to cure, while cement can take much longer. Polyfoam also fills cracks better and is resistant to saltwater deterioration, and thus, a good installation option for any property.

What’s more, polyfoam is more environmentally friendly than regular cement grouting, and so it is often used for marinas. Plus, polyfoam is much more durable, hydrophobic, and adhesive as well. Also, polyfoam grouting is controlled by pressure and flow rates, and thus, it is very accurate. Overall, we can say that cement grouting is an outdated procedure while polyfoam is a new and improved technique, which makes it the most logical solution for most seawall repairs.

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