What should you know about Canada?
Before moving to Canada and finding a job there, it is important to become familiar with some things that may be different from what you are used to.
This article will help you find the right approach to integrating into Canadian life. Realistic expectations and less confusion when moving will increase your chances of success in your new country.
- Multiculturalism is a part of the Canadian ethnic group and a central element of national politics.
Many members of parliament were born abroad. In any major city, as well as in many rural communities, you will encounter a myriad of languages, religions and cultures.
You do not need to forget about your culture and values after moving to Canada, but you should evolve in order to successfully adapt in a new country.
- Finding a job in Canada can be a lengthy process – it can take much longer than you think. It can be months before you find a job in a profession, so plan accordingly.
You should:
– Get enough money to live on for the first few months
– Be ready to work outside the profession for a while
– Start thinking and acting like a Canadian before you set foot on Canadian soil. First, learn how to write a resume for the Canadian job market.
Some points in your CV for Job vacancies in Canada:
1) Brevity.
On average, it takes an employer 30 seconds to evaluate a resume. Concentrate on presenting the main points to the employer, not every detail. You will go into details in the interview.
2) It should be interesting.
3) Up to two pages.
The resume should be a maximum of two pages. If you don’t have a lot of experience, then just one page is enough. If you have ten years of experience behind you, then three pages are acceptable.
4) Make it for a specific position.
The resume must be written for a specific field of activity (or better for a specific position). You should not apply for several different vacancies at once with one resume. If you liked two positions, then write a resume for each.
5) The English in the resume must be excellent.
6) Avoid long paragraphs.
… and small fonts (a font smaller than 10 is a bad idea). Use an easy-to-read font and make sure you only use one font on your resume.
7) Translate all terms into North American concepts.
The employer has neither the time nor the desire to translate and understand. For example, use terms such as “high school”, “GPA” (Grade Point Average is the average score of all grades in your diploma / certificate during the training.), Etc.
8) Mark important skills.
9) Indicate achievements.
10) Nothing more.
11) Sell your knowledge and skills.
12) Note why you want to work for this particular company.
– There is no need to write the word “resume” or “CV” at the top of the page. Also, do not include the date when you prepared the document.
– Don’t sign your resume.
– Do not include date of birth, gender, marital status, or parental names. This is not required under Canadian labor law, so this information will be superfluous on your resume.
– You do not need to indicate your patronymic. All that is required is your first and last name (in that order).
– If possible, please provide a Canadian phone number.
– Make sure your email looks professional. It should contain a combination of your first and last name. Avoid using foreign domain names. If necessary, create a new email address for your job search.
What jobs are the best for foreigners in Canada?
Medical professionals: nurses, general practitioners, veterinarians, cardiologists, masseurs, laboratory assistants, nutritionists, dentists, physiotherapists, orderlies, pharmacists.
Engineers and builders: mining, plumbers, geologists, mechanics, aerospace technology, oilmen, industrial production, chemists, electrical engineers, roofers, bricklayers, carpenters, tilers, welders, plasterers, architects.
Other professions: lawyers, biologists and oceanographers, meteorologists, managers of various fields, technical operators, butchers, cooks, teachers, physicists, financial specialists, social workers, programmers.