
Maintenance, Efficiency, and Design Tips for Powder Coating Racks: A Brief Guide

Retail stores in the US consume a total space of 8.5 billion square feet. This is more than five times what they have in Europe. It might surprise you that the space is barely enough.

With powder coating racks, you don’t have to worry about the space problem in your setup. The racks provide you with the space you need for your factory for the longest time. However, how you maintain them is a determinant of their durability.

Most industrialists don’t know what is powder coating and how to powder coat racks. Yet, they want their powder coating racks to last long. This article will highlight maintenance, efficiency, and design tips for powder coating racks.

Regular Cleaning

The efficiency of the tracking system is very much dependent on the amount of powder on the racks. Too much powder causes heavy insulation reducing the electrostatic efficiency of the rack.

It’s advisable to regularly clean your powder coating racks with chemicals or incineration. Professional powder coating services like are fully equipped to handle this.

Optimize Convey space

If you want to improve the efficiency of your powder coating racks go for the design that optimizes line space. Most people make the mistake of focusing on increasing the line speed. A faster powder racking system might result in the usage of less space.

However, making the most out of your line space gives better results. Besides, the cost of operating the powder coating racks is dependent on the number of rotations. Therefore, you need to maximize the line density and the running costs will be lower.

Rack Density

Before you contact powder coating services, know parts that you wish to coat. Besides, it’s wise to identify which parts will be in motion most of the time.

Understand how many rotations it will run per shift if set at a certain speed. Experts who offer powder coating services will help you calculate your rack density. Additionally, they will help you design your powder coating racks to hold as much weight as possible.

Spacing of Racking Parts

Taking advantage of the linear space doesn’t mean that you overload your powder-coated racks. Ensure that pans have enough exposure to the powder when coating.

It’s wise to arrange pans in a manner that will make sure you don’t waste all the powder on the racks. Powder coating racks should not be too large. Otherwise, they reduce the efficiency of your system.

Maintain Grounding

During powder coating application, maintaining grounding is crucial to the process. This is because powder coating relies on electrostatic forces.

You can lose grounding when changing from one rotation to another. Designing the hooks to have sharp points of contact reduces the build-up of powder.

Maintenance and Design Tips for Powder Coating Racks

With the above design tips, you will not have to worry about the efficiency of your powder coating racks anymore. Ask experts on which powder coating colors to use.

Most professionals who offer powder coating services will help you come up with the optimal rack design. Read more articles on industrial topics on this website. thermoplastic coating are versatile and may be applied practically anywhere. They have special qualities that offer the long-lasting, attractive protection required in a wide range of applications.

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