One of the most dynamic parts of the Greater Toronto Area, the city of Brampton continues to grow in size, and is home to a rich and diverse culture and economy. With much of its existing architecture dating from the 1980s onwards, homes for sale in Brampton are typically modern and roomy – and, across recent times, going up in value above the rate of the wider Toronto region.
With this in mind, here’s a quick break down of 1. the local market trends and 2. why they’re happening (2), as well as 3. a primer on some of buyer’s key questions on what it’s like to live in this promising modern city.
- Markets
According to current data, the average house price in the city is $1.1 million, with the median price coming in just under a million. [https://www.zolo.ca/brampton-real-estate/trends] Across 2021. homes for sale in Brampton have enjoyed increased average sale prices, with averages across all homes increasing 29.8% over the last year. This upturn in value broadly matches the increase in house price in the Greater Toronto Area, but Brampton’s real estate prices improved by 29.8%, as opposed to the area-wide average of 27.0%. In contrast to the more volatile selling rates of the region as a whole, brampton mls data show that the selling rates of the city in the past annum are fairly stable and unwavering. Both areas show similar rates declines in sales around the 16-17%-decrease mark. [https://www.zolo.ca/brampton-real-estate/trends]
According to a Fall 2020 Canada liveability report produced by ReMax, the most desirable places to buy Brampton real estate are Queen Street Corridor, Kennedy Road South, and Downtown, among others. [https://blog.remax.ca/canada-liveability-report/] The nationwide report looked at a number of different variables, including proximity to work and public transit, proximity to independently owned cultural and recreational amenities, and walkability. The liveability of the city is expected to continue across the next couple of years, partly as a result of sustained interest in house development, as more people begin to be priced out of Toronto proper. Because of Brampton’s location at the edge of the Greater Toronto Area, such developments can more easily come about, particularly for low-density types of housing.
- Why are homes for sale in Brampton becoming more desirable?
A frequently-cited reason for Brampton’s increasing popularity is its opportunities for work. In addition to being a hub for traditional industries like automobile manufacture, the city is also home to key players in the science industry, such as MDA (space technology) and Gamma Dynacare Medical Laboratories. It is also where the headquarters to Brita and Clorox are located, as well as being the site of the Canadian Forces Reserve Unit. Brampton’s corporate diversity means that it draws on a lot of different kinds of ambition and skills, adding to its sense of cultural and intellectual richness.
Alongside the development possibilities afforded by its location, Brampton’s art scene also recommends the city as a desirable place to live. The Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives (PAMA) maintains over 4000 pieces of art, making it the largest collection in the region, housing items of national and international acclaim. Other cultural highlights include the municipally-owned Rose Theatre, and the annual Festival of Literary Diversity, which seeks to celebrate and explore writers from historically underrepresented backgrounds and identities.
- Frequently asked questions
Is Brampton an inclusive place to live?
A 2015-16 survey by Canada Community Health showed that the majority of Peel region (of which Brampton is a part) feel a sense of belonging to their area [https://www.peelregion.ca/strategicplan/20-year-outcomes/sense-of-community-belonging.asp], and the city itself remains one of the most diverse cities in Canada. According to the Canada 2016 census, the largest ethnic group in the country is South Asian, as well as sizeable European and Black populations. Religious buildings like the striking Brampton Gurdwara sit prominently alongside (typically Catholic) churches: there is every reason to think of Brampton as a welcoming and inclusive place.
Is Brampton safe?
According to data from Statistics Canada, crime rates in Brampton and Mississauga have tended to fall since the late 2000s, and are below the national average. [https://www.peelregion.ca/strategicplan/20-year-outcomes/crime-rate.asp] All major crimes (homicide, sexual assault and theft) are on the decrease in the Peel Area, [https://www.peelpoliceboard.ca/en/resources/2020-Annual-Report—High-Res—For-Printing.pdf]. Though all cities obviously have their problems, Brampton is safe place to live relatively speaking, and is getting safer.
How far is it from Toronto proper?
It is 31 kilometres from Brampton to Toronto as the crow flies, but typically it will take under an hour to drive from one city to the other (traffic dependent). In May 2021, it was announced that a $10 million dollar investment was to be made in the public transit system of the city, chiefly improving the ability of the bus system to run smoothly and safely. [https://www.newswire.ca/news-releases/canada-and-ontario-invest-in-improved-public-transit-for-residents-of-brampton-835665758.html]
If you’re interested in finding out more about buying or selling up Brampton real estate, we’d love to hear from you
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