As a result of an unexpected pregnancy, a woman has to decide whether to have her unborn child, adopt him or adopt her unborn child. If she decides to have her child, she has to choose between a surgical abortion procedure or a non-surgical abortion procedure, depending on the circumstances. In order for a woman to decide which procedure is most suitable for her individual circumstances, it is necessary to consider both the pros and cons of the procedure, as well as the complications and side effects.
An abortion method (medical abortion or surgical abortion) will depend upon a number of factors, such as the gestational age of the fetus, the physician’s experience and, at the end of the day, the preference of the patient.
In order to determine the number of weeks that a woman is pregnant before undergoing the surgical abortion procedure, a sonogram is performed. In the surgical method, plastic or metal dilators are used to dilate the cervix, resulting in an abortion. The pregnancy tissue is removed safely and effectively by inserting a plastic sterile cannula and then connecting that cannula to an electronic vacuum aspirator with the aid of a tube.
The suction D&C procedure may take 2 to 15 minutes to perform which includes the administration of anesthesia. This method is used from 3 to 16 weeks gestation.
In order to reduce the possibility of complications (including cervical tears and lacerations, uterine perforations, retained pregnancy tissue, uterine infection, damage to internal organs, heavy vaginal bleeding and clots, abdominal and lower back pains, and the risk of maternal death), priming the cervix (softening and opening) is used by Laminaria or Misoprostol (Cytotec).
There is a period of time that takes place after the procedure when patients are taken to the recovery room for a period of 10 to an hour. This time is dedicated to assessing the patient’s vital signs, monitoring her bleeding, and monitoring her recovery from anesthesia. In order to ensure the highest level of privacy and confidentiality, the more advanced anesthesia medications allow patients to drive themselves to and from the office as a result of the newer advanced anesthesia medications.
As effective as the new advanced IV sedative medications in reducing pain and anxiety are, patients must not drive or operate heavy machinery for 24 to 48 hours after the IV sedative medication has been administered. Aside from that, the new advanced narcotic medications also have the potential to cause weakness, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea and lingering effects for up to 24 hours. This does not happen with the old narcotic medications.
A non-surgical abortion procedure, also known as a medical abortion or abortion pill procedure, is a method of abortion which does not involve any surgery or incisions. There is no surgical procedure involved in this process, and it can be performed between the ages of 3 and 24 weeks, and beyond. In an outpatient environment, patients between the ages of 3 and 14 weeks can have the Non-Surgical Abortion Procedure performed. As part of this procedure, antiabortion medications, such as Mifepristone, Misoprostol, and Methotrexate, are used to prevent abortion.
When these medications are combined, the uterus will contract and expel both the fetus as well as the placenta, thus stopping the growth of the pregnancy. Sexual activity can be resumed within 24 hours to 48 hours after the medications have been combined.
The non-surgical abortion procedure is extremely popular with women because it provides them with the utmost in privacy. They are in control of the abortion procedure and they are able to receive the support of their spouse, friends, family members, or significant others when they so choose. In contrast to other procedures, which can be very scary to some women, the non-surgical abortion does not require sedation or surgery.
Women taking chronic steroids, who are allergic to any of the medications, those with renal or hepatic disease, women with an IUD in the uterus, women who have a history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), women who have a current pelvic infection (Chlamydia or Gonorrhea), women who have undiagnosed bleeding, or women with tectonic pregnancy. Non-surgical abortions cannot be performed.
It is possible to have side effects after having a medical abortion procedure, such as fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heavy bleeding, blood clots, significant cramping, uterine infection, a failed abortion, retained pregnancy tissue, sepsis (bacteria in the blood) and maternal death. It is a very rare occurrence for a woman to die from a medical abortion.
As long as the abortion procedure is carried out by an experienced, qualified physician, both abortion methods are safe, effective, efficient and efficient in terminating a pregnancy.