
The common types of safety boots

A safety boot is a piece of personal protective equipment for the foot at the workplace. Most common safety footwear incorporates protective toe caps, slip-resistant soles, penetration-resistant soles, and insulation against extreme hot and cold weather. This article focuses on the different types of safety boots available for workers.

Every worker has a right to access appropriate safety boots. Therefore, employers must avail themselves of the safety boots for all their workers that suit their job depiction. Having the correct personal protective equipment (PPE), specifically work boots, reduces the risk of getting injuries and legal issues. Additionally, a safer and improved work setting is every owner’s priority.

Nevertheless, some employers disregard such danger and continue to purchase cheaper and low-quality boots, which is not a good practice. After a short period, those shoes will require replacements and may cause fatalities to your workers.

Drivers Safety Shoes

Motor accidents may occur as a result of recklessness, distraction. However, improper boots like sandals or high heels can also cause accidents. Therefore, drivers must wear the correct safety boots that guarantee safety, quality, and durability.

Heat Impervious Safety shoes

Workers who are exposed to extremely high temperatures, for example, those working at a copper smelter, steel mill, or any other high-temperature environment, need safety shoes that can withstand thrilling heat. Lack of this type of shoes may result in the material catching fire and brutally burning the wearer.

High Cut Protection Boots

A high-cut boot will ensure all-around protection whenever you need an additional shield on the ankle and shin part. These protective boots are appropriate for workers working in rough environments and those working on uneven surfaces, ensuring comfort and safety in every step. Therefore, if your employees complain when wearing low-cut safety shoes, the only solution is high-cut footwear.

High-cut protection boots are commonly used in most industries in Kenya. These safety boots also have one of the most affordable safety boots Kenya prices.

Ladies Safety Boots

These safety shoes are specifically designed for ladies to offer safety, comfort, and style. Ladies’ safety shoes are perfect for those looking for a challenging and feminine personal protective equipment. These shoes are often available for women working in engineering, construction, hospitals, and laboratories.

Lightweight Safety Boots

These boots are solid for feet safety but are lightweight to support the person’s regular movements. Lightweight safety books are an improvement to the heavy safety shoes could seem more substantial, but they may cause extreme pressure, injuring your feet.

Low and Mid Cut Safety Boots

Workers fancy wearing ankle safety boots or middle-cut safety boots for comfort and flexibility. These safety boots make working in a challenging industrial environment very easy, and they have an elegant fashion.

Non-Slip Employees Safety Boots

Fall accidents may occur at any time, particularly in slippery environments. Therefore, non-slip safety boots are suitable for such workplaces as restaurant workers to prevent accidents.

These comfortable non-slip boots have slip resilient rubber soles with a superior clasp when exposed to oily and watery surfaces. They are perfect for most restaurants, grocery, hospitality, travel, healthcare, and entertainment.


Every employer should avail the proper safety boots for their employees to prevent punctures, burns, electric risks, and chemical spills.

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