
The Importance of Healthy Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air pollution is a major risk factor for premature death. While poor indoor air quality may not kill you, it can make you sick, and you don’t want to risk the health of yourself or your family.

Fortunately, you can improve the quality of your indoor air. That way, you can feel better about curling up on the couch and watching your favorite show or movie.

Read on to learn why air quality matters and how you can get the best indoor air quality possible.

Immediate Changes

Exposure to poor quality indoor air can cause some effects in the short term, especially if you frequently experience poor indoor air. A few health problems it can cause include:

  • Fatigue
  • Problems concentrating
  • Headaches

The air may also irritate your nose, eyes, throat, and lungs. While some exposure to this air may be okay, you don’t want to make a habit of it.

Indoor air quality can make a huge difference in your health and quality of life. And even if you don’t see negative effects from air initially, they may develop later on.

Long-Term Changes

If your indoor air quality is consistently low, you may experience more serious changes. You can get respiratory diseases or even heart disease or cancer.

The exact risks depend on the pollutants in your HVAC system. And if you get really sick, your quality of life can continue to diminish, and the conditions you develop may be life-threatening.

While you may not experience many symptoms early on, you should get the best indoor air quality possible. That way, you can reduce the risk of getting sick from your air conditioning.

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Fortunately, you don’t have to live with the indoor air quality you currently have. If you want to give yourself and your family a healthy place to live, you can make it happen.

Consider a few methods that may help you get better indoor air. Then, you can set up an indoor air quality monitoring system to keep the air quality from decreasing.

Try one or more of the following methods to access the healthy indoor air quality you need.

Clean Your Home

Cleaning your home will not only make it look better, but it can also help with your air quality. You should clean and wash your sheets, blankets, and drapes to get rid of dust and debris.

Be sure to vacuum your home at least once or twice a week to get rid of allergens. If you’re looking to redo your home, choose hardwood floors instead of carpets to make cleaning easier.

Keeping your home clean can keep it clear of allergens and other pollutants. Then, those contaminants won’t be able to get into your air conditioning and spread to other rooms.

Make cleaning your home a part of your weekly routine. If you don’t have a lot of time to clean everything at once, spread it out throughout the week so that dust and debris can’t accumulate anywhere for too long.

Replace Air Filters

Another fantastic way to improve the quality of your indoor air is to replace the air filters. Consider products like the Discount Filters C3045 to help trap particles in the air.

When air passes through the filter, the filter can capture the pollutants that may make you sick. Then, you can breathe cleaner air and feel better in your home.

Be sure to replace your air filters every one or two months. That way, you don’t have to worry about your filters losing efficiency. The filters may get expensive over time, but they’re worth the investment.

Use a Dehumidifier

If your home tends to be humid, it can serve as the perfect environment for mold to grow. You should use a dehumidifier in any room that gets more humid than the rest of the house.

The basement can be a pretty humid room, and it can be easy to forget about. However, mold can grow in the basement, and it can affect the air in that room and throughout your home.

Another room that may benefit from a dehumidifier is the bathroom. Or you can use an exhaust fan to keep moisture from building up on the walls.

Even if you use a dehumidifier, be sure to check on the room regularly. Then, you can keep everything clean and free of mold so that you can feel safe at home.

Get an Air Purifier

Maybe a big source of your air quality problems isn’t something a dehumidifier or air filters can fix. If you have pets, they may shed a lot, and it can be hard to stop the shedding completely.

In that case, using an air purifier may be more effective. You can get an air purifier for a few different rooms, or get a system that works on the entire house.

That way, you can use the air purifier in your living room, bedroom, and other spaces. A good air purifier can help you obtain the best indoor air quality, but you still need to maintain it.

Make sure you clean out the filter regularly so that it can keep working. And you will be able to relax and breathe easily.

Take Care of Your Plants

Having indoor plants can be a great way to add some color to your home. Seeing the plants may help you feel better, and they can give you something to do to help care for them.

However, you should be careful when choosing the plants to grow inside. Make sure you monitor the plants for signs of mold or mildew that can affect your health.

Take the time to clean the plants so that they can remain healthy, and so can you.

Another thing to consider with plants is allergies. Make sure that you only grow plants that are safe for you, your family, and any pets you have.

The Indoor Air Quality You Deserve

Having access to good indoor air quality is vital, but it can be easy to ignore. If you can’t see or smell pollutants, you may think you’re safe, but you can experience short-term and long-term effects.

Be sure to understand those risks and do what you can to mitigate them. That way, you’ll be able to get comfortable and enjoy your time at home.

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