Cancer is caused due to a range of factors, some that are not within our control, and some, very much so.
While we cannot predict the future, we can, however, decrease the odds of getting cancer by making requisite lifestyle changes.
Admittedly, research is still brewing with regards to cancer prevention. There is still a lack of cohesive, set rules that people can follow to prevent cancer, but there are some helpful steps still that can prove fruitful.
For a proper guide, especially if you have a family history of cancer, you must talk to your Oncologist in Lahore.
Reducing the risk of cancer
Exercise rescues you here too! Being active helps not only in preventing weight gain, but it also helps in lowering the risk of breast and colon cancer. Therefore, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise, 5 days a week, or 15 minutes of high-intensity exercise, 5 days a week.
Alcohol intake
There are many dangers of alcohol intake, amongst which is the increased risk of mouth, larynx, esophagus, live and colon cancer alongside breast cancer in women. Those who drink alcohol alongside smoking have a heightened risk of cancer.
Avoiding infections
Certain infections and diseases can also increase the risk of cancer. One such issue is hepatitis B, which can increase the risk of liver cancer. People are therefore encouraged to get Hep-B vaccination. Apart from this, if you need any guidance on the hcv test then visiting this link would of great help.
Similarly, HPV — human papillomavirus—also carries the risk of genital cancers as well. It is a sexually transmitted virus, so alongside practicing safe sex, it is also encouraged that children be vaccinated against HPV.
Proper Diet
Your diet also plays a vital role in your cancer risk. You must pay attention to what you eat. The safest choice is eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Amongst the things not to do are eating saturated fats. Similarly, cut back on the red meat intake; moderation is key. Eating refined sugars also puts you at risk. Likewise, you also should cut back on the intake of processed food. Large amounts of processed food have been shown to be linked to cancer.
Quit smoking
Smoking has many repercussions for health, including cancer. It not only increases the risk of lung cancer, but other types of cancer include lung, mouth, throat, larynx, pancreas, cervix as well as kidney.
Even if you do not smoke tobacco cigarettes, being in the company of secondhand smoke also puts you into similar peril.
Radiation exposure
Exposure to radiation is part of some people’s jobs, and there is not much that can be done about it. Another way to prevent radiation exposure is by wearing a thyroid shield or radiation protection wearables.
Another way radiation makes its way to your life is through Sunlight. It contains ultra-violate radiation, which also causes damage to the body. It greatly increases the risk of skin cancer. An easy way to remedy the risk is by using sunscreen. Make sure that you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen and reapply after every 2 hours. Also, try to stay in shade as much as possible.
It is also vital to stress the importance of not using sunlamps and tanning beds, which also damage the skin, and increase the risk of cancer then.
Weight problems
Your weight matters when it comes to your health, and no, that does not mean that you slim down to size zero. You should aim to have a normal BMI; being overweight and obese greatly increases your risk of certain types of cancer.
Therefore, make sure that you eat well, exercise, and make the requisite lifestyle changes so that you lose extra pounds.
Needle sharing
There are many dangers of needles, amongst which is increased risk of Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and HIV, all of which increase the risk of liver cancer, requiring a visit to the Oncologist in Karachi then.