
Ways to Pamper Your Pregnant Friends

If someone you love has just announced they’re expecting, it can be a lot of fun to get involved in the pregnancy by pampering them. The truth is that many people love being around pregnant women and helping to celebrate this special time. If you have a sister, partner, or friend who’s pregnant and you’re looking for ways to pamper her, read on for some great ideas.

Spa Trips and Massage Therapy

Few things can be as bonding and relaxing as trips to the day spa with a friend. If you have a friend who enjoys Pregnancy Massage and is looking for a relaxing way to get that blood flow up, scheduling regular spa visits with a massage therapist could be the way to go. Not only is prenatal massage something that your pregnant friend might enjoy to help with discomfort in pregnancy, but you’ll also have the benefit of taking care of your own aches and pains, too.

Before your pregnant friend gets a massage from a licensed massage therapist, make sure she talks to her doctor or midwife to be sure it’s safe for her specific situation. Once you have the okay, don’t stop at massage. Consider getting your nails done together, getting facials, and taking the day off from work to enjoy your time together. The memories you make now will be treasured by you both.

Self-care Items for Relaxation



Pregnant or not, most women love products that help them to relax. Consider a gift basket filled with candles, skin conditioners, and even a favorite book for your pregnant friend. Whether this is her first baby or not, there will be some busy times ahead. Encouraging her to make the most of her relaxation potential now will be something she’ll be glad she did.


Other ideas for self-care items for your pregnant friend could include essential oils, favorite movies or foods, and tickets to an event. If money is an issue, consider an activity you could do with your friend that doesn’t cost much. Pulling together a picnic, offering to take walks, helping her with baby names, and more could all be great ways to show her you care.

Offering Respite Breaks



One of the best ways you can pamper your pregnant friend is to offer her breaks. Especially in the last few months of pregnancy, something as simple as bringing over a meal she doesn’t have to cook or offering to watch older children so she can take a nap could be really appreciated.

If you aren’t sure about ways to pamper your friend, think about her hobbies and interests. Maybe she’s someone who enjoys fashion or art. A new painting or accessory could be a great way to bring a smile to her face. It’s likely she’s spent the last few months opening gifts for the baby. A gift just for her could be something she appreciates more than she’s even aware of now.

In the end, whether you’ve footed the bill for maternal massages, offered to babysit older children, spent hours at the mall shopping for baby clothes, or spent time researching makeovers for pregnant women, your pregnant loved one will appreciate the interest you’ve taken in her pregnancy.

As you wait for the baby to come, be sure to spend a little time with the pregnant woman in contexts that aren’t focused on the baby, too. After the baby comes, she’ll be busier, and the friendship will change. Getting those last traditions and quiet lunch dates in now will be something you’re glad you did. Congratulations to you and your friend on the upcoming addition!


Washim is an Bangladeshi web blogger. Right now he writes for excellent content Business, Digital Marketing, Entertainment, Fashion, Foods, Games, Health, Life Style, Sport and much more.

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