In recent times, the swimming pool industry is hitting a high of over $50 billion. The various “stay-cations” of the past year are inviting new homeowners to invest in a new pool.
But, there are various types of swimming pools of all shapes and sizes. This short guide will give you all the ins and outs of the various types of pools that exist on the market today.
Best Swimming Pools
Pools are built in various forms in many different styles. The material can also vary depending on the type of pool you choose. You also need to consider the local laws that go into building your swimming pools, as certain pools are not permitted in certain regions.
Generally speaking, there are around three major types of pool materials. There is a fiberglass pool, a vinyl liner, and a gunite pool. When dealing with above-ground pools you are choosing between three to four different types of pool linings as well.
In-ground pools come in different shapes and sizes. But, these are permanent structures built into the landscape rather than ones you can easily break down.
Infinity pools feature one or more walls with an edge appearing to vanish off the end. Swim Spas are in-ground pools that are more suited for fitness.
An above-ground swimming pool can vary between resin, steel, hybrid, and aluminum pools. Steel pools are the most popular among the above-ground options. As each type of pool requires a different method of installation.
These types of steel pools are the most cost-effective options. The fabrication process allows you to have the strongest and heaviest type of structural integrity.
They can have many different types of designs. These options can conform to the structure of your yard as well.
But, there are touches of resin to the outer structure which gives it a more modern look. You can use this guide to dive deeper into the types of above-ground pools.
Owning a Pool
Owning a pool can provide many benefits to you and your community. You can increase the home appraisal value. As above-ground pools are increasing in demand and popularity, many new homeowners are looking to invest in homes with pre-built pools.
Above-ground pools are affordable options to add value to your home without an extensive maintenance bill. They can also act as temporary structures, if homeowners need to move the structure, it doesn’t cause extensive damage to the property.
They are also suitable options for smaller yards that require an intimate design. It is also relatively easy to break down these structures.
Types of Swimming Pools
There are many different forms of swimming pools you can choose to install in your home. They are a great way to cool down in the summer and offer various fitness & activity options.
Research the cost of installations and the liability factors before you buy to ensure you will build the most stylish yet cost-effective pool. Once you know your market, you can get started building your dream pool.
Follow our blog for more information on the types of swimming pools available on the market today!