If saliva is released from a mouth without intention, it’s referred to as “drooling. Six salivary glands make saliva. When there is a surplus of saliva, we are likely to drool. The first time babies start to drool is around 3 months old. Some babies may drool, and others drool frequently. If you notice your child frequently drooling, it might be due to weak muscle in the mouth or the excessive production of saliva within their mouth. There is nothing to worry about because drooling is physical development.
Blowing bubbles and drooling is typical in infants at the time of development, where the process of getting what they require is focused on their mouths. This becomes evident, especially when they are between 3 and six months old. The increase in saliva flow that usually signals a brand new tooth is believed to ease gums that are painful. However, should your child appear to be excessively drooling and appear sick, you can be able to tell that she’s experiencing difficulty swallowing and needs medical care.
Drooling Importance in Baby’s Development
Drooling is a fact that plays an important part in the development and growth of a newborn. Drooling is an indication that teething is taking place in a newborn. Blowing bubbles and drooling are also indicators of the development of the body in toddlers. According to the Babies and Beauty site ,If your toddler has a tendency to blow bubbles or drools, this is an indication that he’s entered a new stage of development. If your child is crying after eating or drinking milk, It is an indication that the perception of scent is increasing.
Drool is a source of enzymes that are beneficial for babies to digest solid or semi-solid foods when he’s in the range of 4 to 6 months old. Saliva aids in binding the food particles together due to its slickness, which aids in swallowing.
Causes of Excessive Drooling in Babies
Drooling excessively in Babies and toddlers can be attributed to the following causes:
- Teething
While babies do not have teeth until six to eight months of age, the tooth-growing process begins very early. This is why drooling begins as young as a baby at 11 weeks old. When the period of teething commences, there is excessive saliva production, and it is possible that they drool heavily when a tooth is pushing its way into the gums.
- Open Mouth Posture
If a baby is in the habit of opening his mouth for a longer time, he may have a drool. If your baby holds his mouth open for a long time because of an obstruction in the nose or simply because of habit, the baby may not be able to swallow saliva frequently and therefore be prone to drooling.
- Staying Focused For Long
When children and babies are focused on a particular activity, their minds get stimulated. In response to stimulation, saliva production goes up sixfold. In the early years, their capacity to swallow saliva excess is insufficient. When they are focused on a task, their focus is diverted to the position of their mouth and the movements of their tongues and, as a result, that they drool.
- Food
The release of saliva from the mouth glands is a response to the taste sensation after eating various foods. If your child is eating spicy food or fruits, such as grapes, limes, oranges, they may be prone to salivating too much.
- Neurological Disorders
A type of neurological disorder, such as Bell’s palsy or Cerebral Palsy, showcases signs including drooling and immoderate salivation. Bell’s palsy is a short-term condition that affects a single part of the facial. Brain diseases like Bell’s palsy, cerebral palsy and Wilson’s diseases affect the control of muscles, which results in difficulty swallowing, the pooling of saliva inside the mouth and a slack lip that could cause salivary drooling.
- Side Effects of Medicines
Some drugs, such as those that are used to help increase sleep and decrease pain, as well as drugs used to perform eye exams in children, or even mothers of babies who are breastfed, may cause an increase in saliva production. Metal poisoning can result in hypersalivation that can result in babies drooling.
Treatment for Drooling
The normal thing for an 11 week old baby is to drool, and it is a crucial aspect of the growth and physical development in infants. It isn’t normal to let them drool until they reach two years old. If your child drools after two years, it is not something to be tempted to dismiss as a sign of weakness. It is best to consult a physician because it requires medical attention. If your child drools often, the doctor will examine these signs to arrive at a conclusion and suggest solutions for the same.
- If the child is able to seal his lips correctly and move his tongue.
- If the nose is the swollen or blocked nose.
- If the baby is born with an instinctive swallowing reflex.
- The child’s posture and whether or not his jaw is stable or not.
Following these evaluations, the next treatment plan is to be followed:
- Assisting the child to learn an open-lip stance.
- Reduce the number of acidic foods in the diet of the child.
- Focusing on the child’s ability to swallow.
- Tightening of facial muscles.