The main driver in the software market is still the business changes associated with the pandemic. Everyone understands that in the medium term (at least 2-3 years) companies will have to work in fundamentally new conditions in terms of mode of operation, employee motivation, security, and maintenance of IT infrastructures. This fact has forced businesses to reconsider their approaches to the purchase and use of software products. In 2022, custom enterprise software development is of particular value, since you need to create a project that is not like the others, which is better, faster, etc.
Geographical “blurring” of teams and hybrid work format will lead to the fact that vendors supporting remote work infrastructure and offering relevant solutions – from remote desktop and mobile device management to software for dedicated teleconferencing and teamwork – will increase their share of the software market.
New vendors are entering the niche, offering solutions with fresh licensing systems and more attractive prices. Therefore, in the segment of remote working tools, competition will only intensify, and the customer will have a wider choice of software in terms of quality and price.
Five main trends for 2022
- Trend number one – the growth of software consumption related to remote work, information security and the involvement of “remote” employees in the life of the company.
- Trend number two – uncertainty in the timing of hardware deliveries, which will indirectly affect the business needs for the supply of complex project software.
- Trend number three – the growth of the software segment that solves problems and IT project management, organization of development and testing due to the emergence of internal departments to create their own digital products in all industries.
- Trend number four – market development will be determined by government programs for import substitution and the introduction of specific technologies.
- Trend number five – IT products will become more expensive, taking into account the growth of inflation and the cost of software developers’ labor.
Another trend that is not related to the pandemic, but strongly influences the development of a large segment of the software market – the implementation of a national program for the transition to BIM technology in construction. From January 1, 2022, according to the government decree, the use of BIM is mandatory at facilities financed from the state budget.