
What Is Embryo Or Gamete Donation?

Gamete or embryo donation refers to the use of eggs, sperm, and embryos from another person for an intended parent(s), to have a child. The term for the intended parent refers to the person who will care for the children.

Why is this possible?

If one or both of the partners is unable to provide their eggs, sperm, or embryos, it’s possible to donate sperm or embryos to make it possible to have a baby. One of the intended parents can keep the genetic connection to the child through egg or sperm donations. The intended parent can experience a biological connection with the child through egg donation. Embryo donation does not create a genetic connection. 

Donated embryos or gametes may be used by people with medical conditions such as low-quality eggs or poor sperm. Donation is also used by some people to avoid passing on genetic disorders to their children. The donation can also serve social purposes, such as for same-sex couples and single men or women.

From where do the donated materials come?

Donors may be introduced via a donor agency/bank or reproductive center to intended parents or they can be anonymous. There are different procedures for counseling, screening, and evaluation of embryo, egg, and sperm donation.

Do I need to tell my child that I conceived him or her using donated embryos or gametes?

Parents face the difficult decision of whether to tell their children. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine’s Ethics Committee report, “While the decision of the recipient parents is final, disclosure to donor-conceived persons regarding the use of donor embryos or gametes in their conception is strongly encouraged.” Mental healthcare professionals are available to discuss the pros/cons of this option.

For more information, please visit a fertility clinic near you to get the correct advice.

What are the responsibilities of embryo or gamete donation?

Any type of donation has three major components:


Both recipients and donors must be screened by the medical team. The screening process should include a medical history and testing for sexually transmitted diseases. A physical exam is also required.


Both donors and recipients should have legal agreements in place to clarify their roles, responsibilities, and expectations. These agreements can cover financial responsibilities, future contact plans, and other arrangements. It is crucial to be familiar with the laws regarding parentage in each case, for both recipient and donor.


For the long-term well-being of both the recipient and the donor, psychological consultation is essential. Counseling can help you prepare for the emotional experience of donation.

It is important to assess donors for their mental health and ability to make informed decisions about donating. They must understand the potential long-term consequences of the donation and examine their motivations for making it.

It is a good idea to discuss any concerns or feelings they may have about their child’s relationship with another person’s genetic material. It is time to make decisions about who, what, when, and how to share the information. Contact arrangements can be made if donors and recipients are acquainted. This will help to avoid disappointments or unmet expectations in the future.

Here are some key points to consider:

Talk to specialists in reproductive medicine, who are highly qualified and have years of experience.

You should seek out legal counsel who is familiar with reproductive law in the areas where both the recipient and donor reside.

Talk to a mental health professional who has the experience and is familiar with third-party family building.

Think about what, when, where, and how you can tell your child and others.

This is important:

The laws regarding reproductive rights are always changing.

Files concerning donor identities can be opened at any moment (if they are challenged in court, or if the laws change).

Confidentiality can’t be guaranteed

Secrets can be difficult to keep. Information can be shared unintentionally or discovered using science and technology that is more advanced and widely available.

Before sharing any information, it is important to make peace with your feelings about donation.


For those who are struggling with fertility, egg, sperm, or embryo donation may be an option. Gamete donation and sperm donation can be a great way to build families and offer a rewarding experience.

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