Tips and guide

Why Landing Page Videos Can Increase Conversions

Bringing conversions has become a nightmare for some while others are enjoying them in bulk. Why so?

Well, conversions are directly proportional to the buyers. If you’re able to offer something exceptional while they are making purchasing decisions then, you are in luck. 

To bring in more conversions you can do plenty of things but having video placed on your landing pages can help massively. 

Your landing page is the place where buyers takes their decision. Offering them something unique like a video can leave a positive impact.

Before we move to discuss the ways, you can make your landing page videos shine gleam and glow, let’s first learn about the significance of adding videos on a landing page.

So, without any further ado, let’s dive in.

Delivers Information in Digestible Format and Quickly

We all know that the human attention span is decreasing with every passing day and you only get 4 to 5 seconds to grab their attention and sell your product. It’s difficult to deliver your message in those 4 to 5 seconds but a video can do it.

As buyers look for quick solutions, they look for sellers who can offer them solutions and convey all the necessary information in a concise way. 

Usually, a buyer particularly wants to know:

  • What is your product or service is
  • How your solution can solve their problems
  • What’s unique about your offerings

If you can answer all of these questions in the first 3 to 4 seconds, the chances of conversions will increase. But delivering this info via text is possible but no one has time to read it. 

A video can make it possible for you to deliver all this information in a few seconds but in an engaging way.

Plus, adding a video on your website leaves an impression that you highly value the time of your prospects and buyers.

Improves User-experience

You know where to begin and how to go when you open a book. It’s not always the case with websites. 

Customers approach landing pages in various ways. Some like to begin at the header and move downward. Others like to scroll until something gets their attention, which is typically a picture or a video.

A consumer could skim over your value proposition when presented with a long block of text in favor of the cost of your item or service. Therefore, despite doing all the necessary marketing research, you didn’t communicate your value proposition to them before asking them to pay.

Naturally, we’re not advocating that you conceal your price, but rather that it be communicated appropriately. Videos on your landing page draw customers’ attention so you can present your value proposition to them before the specifics of the deal draw their attention away.

Fun Fact: You can create videos for landing pages in a different style. If you want to truly grab the attention of your audience then go with animated. Plus, animated video pricing is nominal when compared to live-action videos.

People Prefer Video Over Text

Even if we love a snappy product description, it just cannot compare to the value of a video. In ways that words just cannot equal, landing page videos attract attention, captivate consumers, and enhance purchase intent.

Brain science is what it comes down to. Motion keeps us interested. Text is processed by our brains hundreds of times slower than images are.

Additionally, 95% of B2B buyers agree that videos are crucial in helping them make decisions, and 73% of customers think seeing a video makes them more inclined to make a purchase.

Recommended Techniques for Landing Page Videos

These recommended practices will help you ensure that landing page videos genuinely enhance conversions now that you know why they can.

Avoid adding autoplay

Auto-play videos bog down page loads and potentially irritate customers. Additionally, they might miss some of the messages. Let the purchaser decide when the video will begin.

Don’t forget to add subtitles

People won’t need to switch on audio to hear your message, which not only makes your video more accessible.

Keep it short and sweet

A landing page video should be no more than two minutes. At this point in the buyer’s journey, you might be able to get away with a lengthier video, but keep it to the point.

Include a strong CTA: Every video should have a call to action. The one on your landing page should be particularly persuasive and detailed.

Add a customized and unique CTA

A bit more emphasis should be placed on the final point. Your landing page video should have a unique CTA. Customers should be urged to perform a single, clear action that they can do right now.

Customers are quite far into your sales funnel at this point because this is your landing page. While CTAs on social videos may welcome viewers to your website or subscribe to your mailing list, CTAs on landing pages should guide visitors to conversion.

You can make CTAs like:

  • Click here to buy now
  • Schedule a call with us
  • Sign up today and become a member of our team

To entice your audience more, you can add text, voiceover, or a clickable card to your video to boost conversions.

The ideal situation is to combine all three of them in your video to make a powerful CTA. 

Don’t Stick to Landing Pages

Your landing page video’s purpose is to boost conversions, yet some shoppers may exit without making a purchase. We’ve never seen a landing page with a conversion rate of 100%.

The good news is that even if customers do not convert during this visit, your message will most likely stay with them. Video is extremely effective in increasing brand to remember. It’s as if you’ve implanted a mini-brand representative for your company within their skull.

In short, they will remember your video. You may get another chance to convert them if you redirect with a suitable targeted audience or remarketing campaign.

Live-Action vs Animated Videos for Landing Page

Without addressing the fascinating animation vs. live-action argument, our discussion of landing page videos would be incomplete. Although creating a live-action landing page video is absolutely possible and many firms do so, we believe an animation is a superior option.

Live-action television is less timeless than animation. Animation fashions don’t change as frequently as apparel and hairstyles. Because animation has a timeless characteristic, your animated video will continue to be more engaging for much longer.

Animation maintains its relevance over time in a tech-accelerated society when everyone seems to be searching for the “next great thing.” That requires some effort.

Landing page video works better than text or graphics in explaining your proposition to prospects in a matter of seconds and engaging them on their terms.

Moreover, there are many animation and video production companies in cities like Los Angeles that can create different styles of videos for businesses.

No matter if you want a live-action or animation video, they can easily create both for you.

In Conclusion

So now you understand why it’s imperative to add videos on your landing pages. If you haven’t started adding videos on your landing pages then it’s high time.

You never know you might end up closing the biggest lead through a small video.

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