If you have decided to attempt the GMAT exam, then it is no surprise that you will want access to the best content and study material possible to help in your preparation. Moreover, in this current fast-paced world, access to all information is just a click away, but the question arises of how credible they are. Hence, this is where books become an integral part of the preparation process for the GMAT exam. You are spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting the books for your GMAT preparation. Besides, books can be selected according to your strategy and method of studying.
In this article, we will give you a list of books that you can refer to. Besides, we will tell you how the GMAT sample question papers can make your preparation easier.
Some of the most popular GMAT books are listed below :
- The GMAT official Guide 2021 – This is one of the most prominent and evident choices for preparing for the GMAT exam. It is offered by the GMAC (the administrators of the GMAT exam). The book comprises the entire syllabus and consists of all types of questions. Another brand new and useful inclusion in this book is flashcards. They prove to be extremely beneficial in learning new concepts and revisiting known topics as well.
- Total GMAT Math (Jeff Sackmann) – Although this book is considered good to improve your maths skills, it might prove to be a bit tough for beginners. On the other hand, if you are already familiar with all the basic concepts of maths, then this book will enhance your skills and knowledge further. It has extensive details on all the topics, which will help you to ace the Quantitative Reasoning section in the exam.
- The Critical Reasoning Bible (PowerScore) – This is one of the most sought after books for critical reasoning. It helps you to comprehend all the theories and concepts of critical reasoning. All the strategies you need to use and how to solve different types of problems, which you will encounter in the exam are discussed in the book. This will certainly aid you in boosting your score in the Integrated Reasoning section of the exam.
These are just a few that we have named here. These books come with all the necessary information you need to help you get a good score. From explaining the concepts to providing you tips and tricks to solve each section, GMAT books are extremely handy. Moreover, once you are familiar with the concepts and have a good understanding of all the topics in the syllabus, we recommend you start solving the GMAT sample question papers. These question papers are of great help to understand your strengths and work on your weaknesses as well as improve your time management skills.
Why Solving GMAT Sample Question Papers are Helpful
If you wish to obtain a perfect GMAT score, then it is necessary to practice GMAT sample question papers prior to attempting the actual exam. In doing so, you will be accustomed to the various sections — Analytical Writing, Integrated Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, and Verbal Reasoning. The significance of answering mock sample questions has been acknowledged by many students. You get to know how much you are prepared for the exam and the sections that you need to focus on. Hence, it should be a part of your study plan.
Sections in the GMAT Sample Paper
- Integrated Reasoning — Integrated Reasoning evaluates your reasoning skills and your aptitude in analyzing the given data and then answering the questions based on the information given to you. There are various formats of questions that you will encounter in this section: two-part analysis, multi-source reasoning, table analysis, and graphics interpretation.
- Quantitative Reasoning — The Quantitative Reasoning section is aimed at testing your familiarity with mathematical concepts like number properties, arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. It also measures your logical skills in solving the following two types of questions: Problem-solving and Data sufficiency.
- Verbal Reasoning — The Verbal Reasoning section grades your prowess in vocabulary and your understanding of standard English. It mainly comprises 3 types of questions: sentence correction, reading comprehension, and critical reasoning.
- Analytical Writing Assessment — Finally, the Analytical Writing Assessment section, as the name suggests, helps the admissions committee to examine your writing and critical thinking skills.
Referring to good books is imperative for your preparation. More so, solving the GMAT sample questions or taking up mock tests is an excellent way to determine your level of preparedness for the actual exam. It helps in assessing your strengths and weaknesses. It can also help measure the progress you are making in your preparation and familiarize you with the adaptive nature of the exam.