
How Many Times can one apply for the ACC Exam? Can Government Job Candidates apply for the ACC Exam?

Many people who dream of serving the nation are there. But how many of them try to fulfill their dream? Those who want to achieve their dream of serving the nation should know about the entrance exam for ACC. Like every other competitive exam, this is also a prestigious exam that selects the soldiers who will be trained efficiently to shield the country. 

You need proper dedication and proper preparation to crack this exam. If you are looking for some tips that can help you crack the ACC exam, then you can refer to the following points.

How to prepare for the exam efficiently?

  • Create a timetable:- Whenever you have made up your mind to join the army, you should train yourself to be a disciplined person. Since discipline is very crucial in the military. Many aspirants may not consider this point important because there is a misconception that maintaining a timetable will not benefit the preparation. But in reality, if you have a proper timetable that will allocate a particular time to each work of your daily routine then you can effectively denote a good quality of time to your studies. Hence, it is essential to keep in mind that you must not confuse your timetable with your study plan. 
  • Go through the exam’s syllabus:- Once you have created your timetable, it is high time to enquire about the entire syllabus of ACC exam. You can check the syllabus that has been uploaded to the website. A proper understanding of the syllabus is important for appearing in the exam.
  • Make a study plan:- After gathering knowledge about the syllabus of the exam, it is high time to figure out your weak areas and make a study plan accordingly. There is no point in devoting all the time of a day to working on the areas in which you are weak. Instead, you should know that your study plan should cover all the sections, but the amount of time that you will devote to each section will depend upon your strength in that section.
  • Go through the previous year’s papers:- Solving the last year’s paper at BYJU’s Exam prep is essential before attempting this exam. Because the more you solve the previous year’s paper, the more you get familiar with the question pattern. If you solve a couple of previous question papers before the exam, then you will gain the confidence to attend the exam.
  • Set a new goal:- Try to cover a new topic every day so that you can keep on motivating yourself. But it is very essential to revise the previous topic while learning the new one, otherwise, with time you will start forgetting about the topic you learned before.

What points should you keep in mind before appearing for this exam?

  • Candidate who wants to join the session of January and July will need to appear for the exam that will be conducted in February and August. 
  • Marital status of the candidate will not stop him or her from giving this exam. 
  • A candidate can sit for this exam 3 times. 
  • Any candidate who is willing to appear for this exam must have experience of two years. Hence, any candidate who has applied for other government job exams may sit in this exam depending upon the eligibility criteria.
  • It is essential for the candidate to hold the 10 +2 certificate or equivalent certificate.


If you are willing to sit for this exam, then you may take the guidance of the expert. Since proper guidance can show you the right path which you can take to crack the exam with efficiency. But it is important to keep calm and hold your patience during the period of preparation.

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