Creative writing is not everyone’s cup of tea. That’s why we have very few successful writers around the world. However, we can’t say the same for essay writing. Every high school and college student must go through it, whether they like it or not.
While there is a secret alternative to writing your own essay in college (we’ll share it soon), knowing how to take care of your own tasks is a great virtue. Hence, we’ve decided to share some helpful tips that will make you a better essay writer, regardless of the topic.
How to Train Your Writing Skills
Anyone and everyone can be a writer as long as the parameters are dialed in correctly. To be honest, essay writing is easier than creative writing, no matter how many additional steps seem to go into the process.
Here are the tips you can follow to make your time more enjoyable.
Collect the Requirements
Most academic papers you can write are bound by some formatting requirements. In fact, every college might impose different requirements. So, your first task is to find and collect them. If you have a good rapport with the professors, ask them directly. You can check out our guide on how to create effective communication with college professors.
Once you have all the requirements lined up, you automatically improve your chance of landing a good grade. It’s simply because most colleges will appreciate the effort.
Read, Read, and Read
The primary step of becoming a decent writer is to read. If you were trying to become a creative writer, we would’ve suggested watching movies, TV shows, and listening to podcasts. But that approach is not going to work with college essay writing.
Rather, you need to need other essays and research papers to get a handle on the “academic” tone. Now that you have the requirements as well as the tone to follow, we can move on to the next step.
Be Prepared for Feedback
When you’re trying to improve yourself on a particular front, there’s no room for ego. The same goes for essay writing. Prepare yourself for a series of feedback. If you don’t have a source of feedback, let your professors know in advance and request them to grade the drafts.
Remember, the enthusiasm to learn something never goes unappreciated, especially by college professors. Or, if you have a friend or classmate who’s good with academic writing, treat them to lunch and show your drafts. Getting feedback will make you a great writer in the long run.
Separate the Lingo
If we have to determine in what areas academic papers are different from creative writing, the lingo will be pretty much up there. Lingo simply refers to the vocabulary that goes into different types of writing. Academic papers will follow a particular set of terms that are not used in any other industry.
So, you start by looking for these terms. The simplest way is to look at other essays. If you can determine the type of essay you’re writing, it’s even better. It’s simply because descriptive, informative, persuasive, and expository essays may not use the same tone.
Once you find the right set, take notes for all of them. Make a list and keep it handy. When you finally sit down to write the piece, you can look at the list and find ways to implement them in your content.
Practice Writing
If you want to improve at computer programming, you can’t look at other programs and expect to become a professional. Sooner or later, you’ll need to get into the practice yourself. The same goes for a writer. Want to train your writing skills? Write a whole lot more than you already do.
Not sure what to write? Start with a journal! When you write a journal, you won’t fall short of things to write. Note the daily highlights in an academic manner to get a grasp on the tone. By the time you sit down to write the actual essays, they’ll come way easier than you imagine.
Typographical errors can become your Achilles heel if you’re not careful. For writers, their proofreading abilities perhaps play the most vital role in bringing everything together. If you’re new at this, provide equal time for both writing and proofreading.
You’ll be amazed to realize how many typos and contextual errors there are in the essay that otherwise felt perfect in the first draft. Proofreading also goes to show that you’re willing to put in the hours to finish a job properly, creating a good impression of you to the professors.
The Secret Sauce to Writing
Remember the secret alternative we promised near the beginning of this post? Well, we were referring to nothing but online services that can provide expert yet cheap essay writers for college! If you’re simply too busy with part-time jobs or family concerns that you can’t practice, we’re here to help!
Our writers are all distinguished academics who’re well-versed in the lingo and the format. Keep in mind that you’ll still need to collect the requirements for the paper and provide us with them. After that, our affordable writers will do the magic and deliver an impeccably accurate essay!