The maths book by RS Aggarwal is the most reliable for students in class 10 for the preparation of maths exams. Questions and answers given in this book prepare students for this subject in the best way as the questions in this book are remarkable. Maths can be a scary subject for some students because they are weak at it but it holds a lot of importance. This is why students should formulate a strategy where all the topics are given enough time. Ample practice with the right questions covering all the topics should be done.
The Rs Aggarwal book has a total of nineteen chapters. Which are given as follows:
Linear equations in two variables, Ratios of Complementary Angles, Mean, Median, Mode of Grouped Data, of Grouped Data Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progressions, Circles, Constructions, Triangles, Trigonometric Ratios, T-Ratios of Some Particular Angles, Trigonometric Identities, Height and Distance, Probability, Coordinate Geometry, Perimeter and Areas of Plane Figures, Areas of Circle, Sector, and Segment, Volume and Surface Areas of Solids, Real Numbers, Polynomials.
And as per the NCERT maths book, the syllabus for class 10 maths is as follows:
Real Numbers, Triangles, Coordinate geometry, Introduction to Trigonometry, Some Applications of Trigonometry, Circles, Constructions, Areas Related to Circles, Surface Areas and Volumes, Polynomials, Pair of Linear Equations in Two Variables, Quadratic Equations, Arithmetic Progressions, Statistics, and Probability. The maths book RS Aggarwal includes all the chapters that have been prescribed by CBSE, so this book prepares students not only for board exams but also for any exam that they choose to appear for.
For the year 2021-2022 CBSE changed the paper pattern for the class 10 maths exam to:
The exam will be held in two terms.
The term 1 questions will be Objective type which means they will be asked in the form of MCQs. 50% of the syllabus will be asked in this term. Here maximum marks will be 50. This exam will be for 90 minutes The term 2 questions will be the descriptive type which means case-based explanatory questions. The duration of this exam will be 2 hours and the maximum marks will be 50. The rest of the 50% syllabus will be asked in this exam. It has also been announced that if under any circumstances term 2 of the exam will not be conducted for descriptive type exam then the MCQ pattern will be followed for term 2. Term 1 is set to be held in Nov-dec 2021 while term 2 will be conducted in March-April 2022.
It is important to stay updated about the latest paper pattern especially during a time where constant new updates are being released by authorities. Being well familiar with the paper pattern is very important to save time during the exam. Knowing the marks distribution to judge which section to give more time to is important. The last thing a student wants is to be surprised about the paper pattern during the exam
The Internal evaluation will consist of tests, portfolio, subject enrichment activities, practical work, etc, for 20 marks.
Every student needs to study from Class 10 Maths RS Aggarwal Solutions because of how easily comprehensible these simplifications of questions are. These are simply put solutions. For maths solutions to be helpful they should be easily understood by students without confusing them. Even while answering questions that require long descriptions it should be ensured that all the steps are written and elaborated in a simple form. The easier it is for the examiner to understand the written solution the quicker marks are given, Hence maintaining simplicity in answers should be remembered.
These solutions are accurate and do not have any sort of misprint or miscalculation. Only the study material which can be trusted for being authentic should be used for studying. One shouldn’t risk their preparation by studying from any inaccurate study material.
Since these solutions are designed by subject matter experts they can be trusted for being precise. This step-wise collection of solutions should be preferred because these are guided by experts.
The questions that are given in the book are well designed such that they completely test the preparation of a student and give them insight about where they need to pay more attention and which chapters are the most strongly prepared. A student for complete preparation should try to work on weak chapters along with strong ones together. It will let them know what is missing from their answers and what should be added.
While practicing it is important to have readily available solutions so that when doubts arise a student can look them up instantly. Constantly analyzing mistakes that the student is making with help of the solutions is a part of the right strategy. Answers should be checked and corrected from the correct set of solutions that should have absolutely no mistakes.
The choice of study material should be easily accessed because that saves a lot of the student’s time. No student should waste their precious time running around finding correct study material, they should make use of what is already available.
All things considered, a student should choose the right material to study from the right book to find accurate solutions. There should be plentiful practice on the student’s part. Looking out for updates on the official syllabus and paper pattern are the right instincts of a student since the syllabus, paper pattern keeps changing to fit the current situation. Maintaining good speed during the limited time that is allotted is important. Often students panic due to lack of time. This is caused by poor time management which is something that should be practiced well during the preparatory stage of the exam. Students should try to perform well in the internal assessment to boost their scores. Having enough time for revision in your study plan is a smart choice. Revision often makes a huge difference in results. It is important to recollect what you are learning as you go through the syllabus. Students must remember the correct formulas and values to perform well in the exam.