First of all, do you have any knowledge about COVID-19? COVID-19 is a contagious disease by a coronavirus. COVID-19 means 2019 novel coronavirus.
The virus of COVID-19 is severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. A virus is named depending on its genetic structure, diagnostic tests, vaccines, and medicines.
It was first invented in Wuhan, China in December 2019. After that, 188 countries and territories are affected by this virus.
Now, this virus has become a thoughtful problem all over the world. This virus affects our lives, economy, education, sports, job sectors, and also medical treatments.
Poor people are suffering significantly because of this virus. They cannot eat properly, cannot get medical treatment properly.
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General knowledge about COVID-19
Prefix and effect
The prefix of COVID-19 is mild and begin gradually. The most familiar manifestation are abnormal high temperature, coughing, and tiredness. Other manifestations are aches and pains, nasal congestion, high temperature, migraine, blood poison, inflammatory disease, loose motions, anosmia, or an unexpected rash on skin or fingers or toes.
Most of the people who are greatly affected because of this virus are older people, and patients like high blood pressure, cardio-pulmonary, gonorrhea, cancer, and a higher risk of serious illness. The man who suffers from fever or cough and also difficulties in breathing or shortness of breath, dese, chest pain or pressure or loss of speech or movement should seek medical attention immediately.
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This virus spread all kinds of people by small droplets from the smelling or jaws, also touching. It is banished when a COVID-19 positive person sneezes, speaks, or coughs and correspondingly touching their sight, smelling, or jaws.
COVID-19 affected our society and the worldwide budget. When this virus outbreaks globally, then the government declares lockdown. Because of lockdown all internal journeys, railway facility (apart from properties sleepers), car, van, bus, truck, and vehicle carriages are postponed by superior circumstances. Again, all kinds of shops, banks are closed. Moreover, the whole instructive, marketable, game and mystical organizations are locked, productions are also in trouble a lot because of vital facilities are locked for a long time in many countries.
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Lockdown restricts the GDP development to each nation-state. Consequently, COVID-19 keeps a remarkable immoral consequence on the daily life of human beings and correspondingly on the world financial resource.
Guideline to protect yourself from this virus
It’s vital to know that how can you protect yourself, family, and society from COVID-19. To protect each person, this step needs to follow.
1) First of all, each person needs to know about COVID-19.
2) Maintain a physical distance with everyone at least a 1meter distance is a good idea if you are in an area where COVID-19 is circulating.
3) You should wear a mask properly and don’t touch the surface with your hand.
4) Suppose you become ill with mild symptoms, then you must be isolated from others.
5) You have to stay quarantined for 14 days if you are an infected person.
6) Besides, you need to study the distinction between quarantine and isolation. Quarantine means restricting activities or separating people who are not ill and, isolation means separating people who are ill.
7) Always clean your hands by Savlon, Dettol, and, other antiseptic and also wash your regular clothes.
8) Avoid yourself to touch your eyes, mouth, and nose.
9) Check up your health and test COVID-19.
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So, these steps will help you to protect yourself and your family from affected people. But many people are not aware of this virus. They don’t care about this and never maintain these rules. The government and non-government organizations also take the necessary steps to alert people. Above all, public awareness is needed to protect nations and countries.
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